Plain language skills are vital for surveys. If people can easily understand your questions, then that will help them to give accurate answers. And plain language specialists are constantly thinking about their audience and its needs – which is vital for surveys, too.
So I was very happy to be invited to talk about plain language and surveys at the University of Houston Downtown’s 8th Biannual Forum on Plain English, on 24 February 2022.
Many thanks to the organisers, Michelle Moosally and Natalia Matveeva of The Institute for Plain English Research and Study (IPERS) for this opportunity, and to all of those whose comments and questions made it such a lively session.
Download the slides: Plain language to improve your survey Houston 2022 (.pdf)
View on SlideShare: Use your plain language skills to improve your survey 2022
Watch the recording on YouTube (starts at 5:20):