Some of us find that colleagues or clients think of ‘doing a survey’ as the same as ‘doing some research’ – which may explain why organisations send out so many survey requests. In this webinar, for UXPA International, I introducedContinue reading… Surveys that work: a webinar for UXPA
Tag: surveys that work
Please make survey tools more accessible
“Which is the best survey tool for accessibility?” It’s a question that I’m asked quite often, and also that I’ve often asked myself. There are two ways to interpret this question: Which is the best survey tool for creating questionnairesContinue reading… Please make survey tools more accessible
Surveys that work: an introduction to using Total Survey Error for the UX Insight Festival 2020
Surveys are easy to do – but harder to do well. Thanks to the UX Insight Festival 2020 who invited me to talk about my 7-step survey process, starting with Goals and thinking about Sampling, Questions, Questionnaires, Fieldwork, Responses andContinue reading… Surveys that work: an introduction to using Total Survey Error for the UX Insight Festival 2020
Surveys that Work 2020: training course for HMRC user researchers 2020
It was fun to do a training course with user researchers at HMRC. Each person gave us an example of a survey they were working on. We hoped for examples at all stages from “a few ideas in a surveyContinue reading… Surveys that Work 2020: training course for HMRC user researchers 2020
Surveys that work: an introduction to using survey methods, training course for EBI 2017
Better surveys mean better intelligence. This presentation forms part of the ‘Surveys That Work’ training course – an introduction to using survey methods – delivered at EMBL-EBI in February 2017. Since this training course my book, Surveys That Work, has been published.Continue reading… Surveys that work: an introduction to using survey methods, training course for EBI 2017
Surveys that work at LibDesign 2016
A survey is a process for getting answers to questions, but surveys turn out to be harder than they ought to be because there are potential pitfalls at every stage, from thinking about the goals of the survey through to analysingContinue reading… Surveys that work at LibDesign 2016
Surveys that could be better: Radisson
For this month’s post for my Surveys that Work blog on Rosenfeld Media I’m handing over to Gerry Gaffney – for a forensic examination of one customer survey he recently encountered. Apart from being co-author of my book, Forms thatContinue reading… Surveys that could be better: Radisson
Surveys that work: using questionnaires to gather useful data, presentation to OZCHI 2010
This presentation to the 22nd Australasian Computer-Human Interaction Conference, OZCHI 2010, compares survey processes and looks at some of the detail of designing surveys – including how to avoid survey error. Surveys that work: using questionnaires to gather usefulContinue reading… Surveys that work: using questionnaires to gather useful data, presentation to OZCHI 2010
Surveys That Work: Using Questionnaires to Gather Useful Data, Seattle 2010
This presentation to the Society for Technical Communication 2010 conference in Seattle, US, compares survey processes and looks at some of the detail of designing surveys – including how to avoid survey error. Surveys That Work: using questionnaires to gatherContinue reading… Surveys That Work: Using Questionnaires to Gather Useful Data, Seattle 2010
Survey response rates? 2% is not good enough
In the 1950s, a well-designed survey could often achieve over 90% response rates. Since then, response rates have consistently declined. But I was still a bit shocked the other day when a post on a usability discussion group quoted aContinue reading… Survey response rates? 2% is not good enough