This post is co-authored by Amy Hupe, Ignacia Orellana, and Caroline Jarrett. “Use this because we said so” is not a convincing strategy for building trust with designers and developers who want to, need to, or are told to, useContinue reading… How to share research in design systems
Government services are for people, not for the government
During my recent visit to the Czech Republic, Běla Beránková interviewed me on behalf of – the country’s internet host. For the original Czech: Aby bylo jasno. Úředníci tu nejsou pro vládu, ale pro lidi My thanks to Lupa for permission toContinue reading… Government services are for people, not for the government
Design patterns for government: a community not a library
The UK government now has several hundred designers working on services for citizens. How do we design at scale? This presentation to UXPA’s 2016 conference in Seattle describes some of methods and tools we are using to collaborate. Design Patterns for GovernmentContinue reading… Design patterns for government: a community not a library