This workshop at UX New Zealand 2015 was a chance for me to lead a discussion on design patterns and forms elements for the UK government website GOV.UK. Looking at our experiences within the UK Government Digital Service #gdsteam theContinue reading… A community, not a library: design patterns for government services
Tag: drop-downs
Helping a user choose from a very large list
Sometimes it is necessary for users to select a precise entry from a very large list. For example, one client described the need (for compliance purposes) to have users choose an ‘Occupation’ code from a list of almost 1000. SheContinue reading… Helping a user choose from a very large list
Should I use a drop-down? Four steps for choosing form elements on the web
No. Don’t use a drop-down. Updated in 2023. Back in 2001, Sarah Allen and I wrote this paper, and I delivered it at the 48th Society for Technical Communication Conference in Chicago, Illinois. We had done plenty of testing ofContinue reading… Should I use a drop-down? Four steps for choosing form elements on the web