My publisher Rosenfeld Media invited me to join the Rosenfeld Media online workshops program to teach an intensive 10hr dive into surveys. It was a pleasure to work with participants from the United States, Canada and Germany.
In sessions on three successive days, we went through the process of creating an effective survey: from defining a goal to data analysis and creating a presentation.
The three sessions were:
- Goals and Sample. Available to download: Surveys that Work Day 1 Rosenfeld (.pptx, 4Mb)
- Questions, Questionnaire, and Fieldwork. Available to download: Surveys that Work Day 2 Rosenfeld (.pptx, 2.5Mb)
- Responses and Reports. Available to download: Surveys that Work Day 3 Rosenfeld (.pptx, 3.7Mb)
All my slides are Creative commons licensed so please feel welcome to use them, provided that you repeat the Creative commons license.
Thanks again to everyone who participated, and to Elle Kyle from Rosenfeld Media for her support and technical help throughout.
(Image credit for “Mind the gap”: Artur Tumasjan on Unsplash)
View the presentation as a PDF: Surveys that Work Day 1 Rosenfeld