How to design effective customer surveys: interview for Insights Unlocked

Insights Unlocked logo with photo of CarolineI was delighted when the team at User Testing asked me join them for their #InsightsUnlocked podcast. When it comes to creating an effective customer survey, there’s no substitute for user research. Until you’ve watched users trying to answer your questions you’ve drafted, you won’t know whether your questions are clear and will deliver the answers you need to make a decision.

In the half-hour episode, I talked about the four steps we go through when answering a question. We also covered how to identify the Most Crucial Question, the importance of iteration in creating surveys that work, and the role of AI in survey design.

Listen to the episode or read the transcript: How to design effective customer surveys: insights from Caroline Jarrett.

During the interview I was asked about a problem that turned out to be an instance of multi-column layout. I recommend this article from the Baymard Institute: Form Field Usability: Avoid Extensive Multicolumn Layouts (16% Make This Form Usability Mistake)