Designing better public services: LibDesign Conference 2016 Prague

view through a cafe window in Prague
Prague restaurant window, just like it was in 1992

To design better public services, we need to unite efforts from inside and outside the public sector – and many roles within it.

LibDesign 2016 in Prague

Last week in Prague, LibDesign 2016 brought together librarians, web designers, civil servants and academics to consider the modern role of librarians and librarianship in the Czech Republic, and what that means for  better public services.

I was delighted to have the opportunity to return to Prague to deliver a keynote address to the event. I’ve loved Prague ever since visiting several times just after the Velvet Revolution. The charm that I recalled from 1992 was still there.


exterior of the National Technical Library
The National Technical Library

I got a warm welcome from the conference – held in the entirely modern National Technical Library. The organisers asked me to share our experience at the UK Government Digital Service – the department that looks after GOV.UK, the government’s website.

Colleagues across government – from more than 300 departments and agencies – now contribute to GOV.UK. My presentation, Designing better public services gives examples of how the GDS Design Principles help them to create better public services.

Many thanks to Ladislava Zbiejczuk Suchá and the conference team for inviting me.

Get the presentation as a PDF: Designing better public services Prague 2016