Coffee and content: Using surveys to uncover audience insights

Advertisement for Caroline's talk on using surveys to uncover audience insights, including a photograph of herContent design is crucial for surveys, so it was fun to turn that around and think about surveys for content design for a change, as part of the Coffee and Content webinar series.

My theme was ‘Using surveys to uncover audience insights’. I focused on the typical ‘end of page’ questions that gather feedback about a page. For example, is it helpful or not to ask people whether they are ‘satisfied’ with a page? What is the meaning of satisfaction anyway, and does measuring satisfaction give content creators and maintainers the audience insights that they need in order to make improvements?

We also had a look at thinking about the goals of the survey,

Thanks to everyone for asking some great questions. You can hear the questions, and see the recording of the session, by registering here (no charge, some advertising): Using surveys to uncover audience insights.

Also thanks Scott Abel – The Content Wrangler for inviting me and chairing the session.

If you’d like to dig a little deeper into the topic of satisfaction and its limitations, then have a look at:  Using surveys to ask about satisfaction.

View the presentation slides as a PDF: Coffee and content: Using surveys to uncover audience insights 2024