We are visiting relatives at Christmas this year. They’ve got a houseful already, including several lovely but very young children. “Would you mind booking somewhere nearby rather than staying with us?” Hmm, let me think about that. Two seconds later,Continue reading… Stop using no-reply email addresses
Category: Uncategorized
Crafting concentration
Many years ago, I heard a Duchess talking on the radio about her “everyday working life” – clearly nothing like mine. The point that struck me was that she took her tapestry to meetings. How I longed to do theContinue reading… Crafting concentration
Helping teenage boys to become responsible adults – SDinGOV22
At the Service Design in Government conference in September 2022, Bukola Jolugbo (Kiki) and I talked about some aspects of life today for teenage boys in the UK, focusing on the experience of Black teenagers. Many of us know littleContinue reading… Helping teenage boys to become responsible adults – SDinGOV22
How to research components and patterns: common challenges and how to overcome them
This is a joint post by Ignacia Orellana, Amy Hupe, and Caroline Jarrett In our previous joint blog post, we talked about how to share research in design systems. We explained why sharing research matters and what designers and developersContinue reading… How to research components and patterns: common challenges and how to overcome them
All projects (and services) start in the middle
I’m a big fan of the user-centred agile approach to service delivery that is gradually being adopted by most government departments in the UK, and many other organisations too. I mean – let’s turn those words around. Who would wantContinue reading… All projects (and services) start in the middle
Leukaemia – March 2017 to February 2018
After treatment in 2017 for therapy-related acute myeloid leukaemia (t-AML) and endometrial (womb) cancer, I returned to part-time work at the beginning of February 2018. In March 2018, I did the Endnote at the Service Design in Government conference in Edinburgh.Continue reading… Leukaemia – March 2017 to February 2018
Five steps to better surveys – training course for EMBL-EBI
Update in 2024: Back in 2014, the European Bionformatics Institue (EMBL-EBI) asked me to do Survey Training for their staff – mainly research scientists and computer specialists working on the complex bioinformatics tools that they create and make available forContinue reading… Five steps to better surveys – training course for EMBL-EBI
Review: Looking back: a century of Dutch statistics
If you love looking at wonderful information design, you’ll enjoy this book of the month: Looking back: a century of Dutch statistics by CBS Statistics Netherlands. It’s in English and it’s free as a .pdf download, or you can pay a smallContinue reading… Review: Looking back: a century of Dutch statistics