How to ask better questions, and how to assess user experience using surveys, were the themes of the workshop I ran for UXLX – the 2014 User Experience conference held in Lisbon. We focused first on the four key areas for improving survey questions:Continue reading… A deep dive into questions
Category: Presentation
The design of survey forms at GOR 2014
Where does a form end and a survey begin? That was my challenge when I was invited lead a half-day workshop on forms design at the General Online Research conference 2014 in Cologne, Germany. The group included survey methodologists fromContinue reading… The design of survey forms at GOR 2014
Design tips for complex forms, Washington 2013
At the User Experience Professionals Association Conference in Washington in 2013, I returned to the topic of complex forms. I chose the example of applying for a US passport, a typical government process that exposes the challenges of creating a consistentContinue reading… Design tips for complex forms, Washington 2013
Tips for improving your complex forms
Are you working with insurance applications, medical claims or government transactions? This workshop I delivered at UXPA2013 in Cambridge has tips for improving them. In this version of the presentation I have incorporated the high level results and contributions ofContinue reading… Tips for improving your complex forms
Better UX surveys for UCD2012
UCD2012 – the User Centred Design Conference in London – was an initiative organised by the Computer Society Interaction Group (BCS), British Interactive Media Association (BIMA), the Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (IEHF), Interaction Design Association (IxDA) and the UserContinue reading… Better UX surveys for UCD2012
More investigation of why usability problems go unfixed
Not enough time, not enough resources, not enough clout to make it happen… Earlier in the year, Steve Krug and I reported on a survey that we carried out amongst UX professionals about why usability problems go unfixed. We suggested some ideasContinue reading… More investigation of why usability problems go unfixed
Write clearly: how to take your writing for the web to the next level
These slides form part of a workshop on writing and editing for the web, delivered for EMBL-EBI in June 2012. Write clearly: take your web writing to the next level from Caroline Jarrett
Buttons on forms and surveys: a look at some research
Where to put the buttons on forms? There seem to be endless discussions: Does ‘submit’ or ‘send’ or ‘OK’ go to the left or right of ‘cancel’? Does ‘next’ go to the left or right of ‘previous’? My views are:Continue reading… Buttons on forms and surveys: a look at some research
Design tips for surveys 2012 – a seminar for UIE
When I was invited, as a Rosenfeld Media aspiring author, to talk about surveys for the UIE All You Can Learn series of seminars, I had to think hard about how to condense a full-day training workshop into something that would work forContinue reading… Design tips for surveys 2012 – a seminar for UIE
Design tips for complex forms, Malta 2012
Usability in Malta It was a privilege to be invited to present at Malta’s first usability conference. On one of the coldest, wettest nights that Malta had ever known, an impressively large number of keen people made their way toContinue reading… Design tips for complex forms, Malta 2012