Buttons on websites? Nothing special: just an ordinary everyday element of interaction design. Despite this, it’s rather too easy to find buttons that don’t conform to some basic best practices. Here are my basic best practices for buttons: Make buttons look likeContinue reading… Basic best practices for buttons
Category: Forms
Buttons on forms and surveys: a look at some research
Where to put the buttons on forms? There seem to be endless discussions: Does ‘submit’ or ‘send’ or ‘OK’ go to the left or right of ‘cancel’? Does ‘next’ go to the left or right of ‘previous’? My views are:Continue reading… Buttons on forms and surveys: a look at some research
The art of writing very little: how to improve your forms
Guest post by Gerry Gaffney, co-author with Caroline Jarrett of Forms That Work: designing web forms for usability. Technical communicators are familiar with the challenges of communicating with audiences who are reluctant to read. Clearly written, thoughtfully designed, well-formatted text isContinue reading… The art of writing very little: how to improve your forms
Design tips for complex forms, Malta 2012
Usability in Malta It was a privilege to be invited to present at Malta’s first usability conference. On one of the coldest, wettest nights that Malta had ever known, an impressively large number of keen people made their way toContinue reading… Design tips for complex forms, Malta 2012
Design tips for complex forms, J Boye 2011
I was invited to the 2011 J.Boye conference in Aarhus Denmark to deliver a presentation on designing complex forms. People experience forms at three levels – appearance, conversation and relationship – and complexity affects each of them. Using examples from the UK and Danish governmentsContinue reading… Design tips for complex forms, J Boye 2011
Who enjoys filling out an application for a driving licence?
Here’s a presentation from the archives, dating back to work Robert Hempsall and I did for the DVLA (the UK’s Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency). At that point the majority of applications for driving licences were still made on paper, but online applicationsContinue reading… Who enjoys filling out an application for a driving licence?
Designing e-commerce and checkout forms
This post originally appeared in 2011 on ‘Forms that Work’ – the companion website for Caroline’s book with Gerry Gaffney Forms that Work: designing web forms for usability. If you’re selling something on the web, then you’ll inevitably come toContinue reading… Designing e-commerce and checkout forms
Labels and buttons on forms – and other time-consuming controversies
These slides are from my course presentation to CHI2011, the conference of the SIGCHI, held in Vancouver, Canada. Labels and buttons on forms from Caroline Jarrett #forms #formsthatwork
Design questions for complex forms: a study of census envelopes
Census years are exciting times for the forms enthusiast. They’re quite rare – most countries run their census at 10-year intervals. And they affect the entire population. That’s the definition of a census – a count of an entire population. Census forms alsoContinue reading… Design questions for complex forms: a study of census envelopes
Designing forms for mobile
This post was first published in 2008 on ‘Forms that Work’ – the companion website for Caroline’s book with Gerry Gaffney Forms that Work: designing web forms for usability. It was updated in 2011. Design for mobile first For aContinue reading… Designing forms for mobile