Good forms work across three layers: appearance: are they easy to use and easy to read? conversation: are they easy to understand and easy to answer? relationship: can the user easily get it done and easily move on? I had greatContinue reading… How to look at the content in a form, UK cross-government content meetup
Category: Forms
Design patterns for government: a community not a library
The UK government now has several hundred designers working on services for citizens. How do we design at scale? This presentation to UXPA’s 2016 conference in Seattle describes some of methods and tools we are using to collaborate. Design Patterns for GovernmentContinue reading… Design patterns for government: a community not a library
How to look at a form, Industryconf 2016
Forms – the only non-optional part of most user experiences, but often the part that gets the least attention. My session at the 2016 Industry Conf in Newcastle was an opportunity to lead the audience through the design of typical formsContinue reading… How to look at a form, Industryconf 2016
Design patterns in government – 2016
How can we design at scale? That’s the challenge that I’m working on with Tim Paul at the Government Digital Service. When Tim first started working at GDS, the designers could fit into a room and sharing was easy. Now we’veContinue reading… Design patterns in government – 2016
Forms workshop for ConCon Manchester 2016
This forms workshop was my first opportunity to contribute to ConCon – a conference for content designers from across government. The differing perspectives of content designers working on GOV.UK and those working within services generated lively discussion during my forms workshop and throughout the conference.Continue reading… Forms workshop for ConCon Manchester 2016
Design at scale: building a design community
The following article, written with Tim Paul, first appeared in UXPA Magazine: Design at scale: Building a design community. It focuses on four design patterns we’d been working on for the GDS Service Manual: dates; display of error messages; gender andContinue reading… Design at scale: building a design community
Creating forms that help voters take action
The Field Guide Series aims to equip local election officials in the US with the information they need to ensure voters are able to vote as they intend. It was a privilege to be involved in this Center for CivicContinue reading… Creating forms that help voters take action
A community, not a library: design patterns for government services
This workshop at UX New Zealand 2015 was a chance for me to lead a discussion on design patterns and forms elements for the UK government website GOV.UK. Looking at our experiences within the UK Government Digital Service #gdsteam theContinue reading… A community, not a library: design patterns for government services
Designing forms that work: UX Australia workshop
Thanks again to the UX people in Melbourne and Sydney who came to our UX Australia workshops on “Designing forms that work”, and to Donna Spencer for organising them. I started us off with an introduction to thinking about forms. Continue reading… Designing forms that work: UX Australia workshop
My new favourite form. Really.
I have a new favourite form: HMRC’s Pay your self-assessment online. Enjoy! But maybe before you do, you’d like a little explanation? OK, I’ll back up a bit and explain. Making better forms isn’t easy I’m a forms specialist –Continue reading… My new favourite form. Really.