Earlier in October, my attention was drawn to a couple of tweets from the @UXmatters account. A respected UX thought leader, Vivianne Castillo, tweeted about “The talks I want to give next year” starting with “The Caucasity of the UXContinue reading… UXMatters and Effortmark
Category: Articles
Creating presentations for stakeholders: contributing to an article for UXmatters
Janet Six asked me to contribute to an ‘Ask UXMatters’ panel discussion on the topic of how to create presentations for development teams versus executive teams. I shared my thoughts, which focus on how the teams will want to knowContinue reading… Creating presentations for stakeholders: contributing to an article for UXmatters
How to test the usability of documents
Does usability testing work for documents? The answer from me and Ginny Redish is a resounding yes. In this article, we’ll give you three techniques for having people try out documents or any other stand-alone content. These techniques apply whetherContinue reading… How to test the usability of documents
How to deal with clients who focus on only one aspect of a UX design
“Is it our duty as UX professionals to ‘train’ clients to embrace the whole of User Experience – or should our starting point be enthusiasm that they’re willing to consider users at all?” Janet Six, Managing Editor of UXmatters, collectedContinue reading… How to deal with clients who focus on only one aspect of a UX design
Readability Formulas: seven reasons to avoid them and what to do instead
I had the honour of working with Ginny Redish on this article on readability formulas. Ginny is a leading authority on writing, accessibility, and content design and usability. I’ve lost count of the number of copies of her excellent book,Continue reading… Readability Formulas: seven reasons to avoid them and what to do instead
Six things I learned in six months as a user researcher – Zoe McClatchey
Zoe McClatchey is a designer with NHS Digital. We have worked together during her current placement. I was impressed by her user research skills, so I was delighted when she agreed to let me republish her reflections on her userContinue reading… Six things I learned in six months as a user researcher – Zoe McClatchey
Doing research with people who are not users: consultation
This post is co-authored by Naintara (Tara) Land, formerly Head of User Research for the UK Government Digital Service (the people behind GOV.UK). User research is central to our work in User Experience: doing research to find out about ourContinue reading… Doing research with people who are not users: consultation
Forms, surveys and the need to be brave: UX Insider interview
I’ve always really enjoyed reading the ‘UX Insider’ interviews conducted by Damian Rees of experienceux. The one with Tara Land about her work at GDS is a particular favourite. So I felt very honoured when Damian contacted me to allow me toContinue reading… Forms, surveys and the need to be brave: UX Insider interview
Is reading on the web really different?
Is reading on a web site really different from reading on paper? The answer is: no, not really. We don’t read every word on the web. But we don’t read every word on paper, either. “Reading on the web isContinue reading… Is reading on the web really different?
Design at scale: building a design community
The following article, written with Tim Paul, first appeared in UXPA Magazine: Design at scale: Building a design community. It focuses on four design patterns we’d been working on for the GDS Service Manual: dates; display of error messages; gender andContinue reading… Design at scale: building a design community