29th September 2020 was a really fun day for me because I attended the first meeting of a co-design community. The idea came from Janet Hughes, Delivery Director working on farming and countryside at Defra (The UK government’s Department forContinue reading… Hello, co-design community
Category: All
Surveys that work: an introduction to using Total Survey Error for the UX Insight Festival 2020
Surveys are easy to do – but harder to do well. Thanks to the UX Insight Festival 2020 who invited me to talk about my 7-step survey process, starting with Goals and thinking about Sampling, Questions, Questionnaires, Fieldwork, Responses andContinue reading… Surveys that work: an introduction to using Total Survey Error for the UX Insight Festival 2020
Five ways to choose which form to fix
It was all going so well. I was running a forms workshop and we’d found lots of things to think about in the selected form. Then one participant said, sadly: “But we’ve got hundreds of forms like this”. Which ledContinue reading… Five ways to choose which form to fix
Answering surveys and talking about forms on UX Podcast
I was delighted that the team at UX Podcast chose an episode with me to rebroadcast in August 2020. UXPodcast on forms and surveys with Per Axbom and James Royal-Lawson Originally made in 2014, Per, James and I discuss aContinue reading… Answering surveys and talking about forms on UX Podcast
How to test the usability of documents
Does usability testing work for documents? The answer from me and Ginny Redish is a resounding yes. In this article, we’ll give you three techniques for having people try out documents or any other stand-alone content. These techniques apply whetherContinue reading… How to test the usability of documents
How to deal with clients who focus on only one aspect of a UX design
“Is it our duty as UX professionals to ‘train’ clients to embrace the whole of User Experience – or should our starting point be enthusiasm that they’re willing to consider users at all?” Janet Six, Managing Editor of UXmatters, collectedContinue reading… How to deal with clients who focus on only one aspect of a UX design
Inwards and outwards research: choosing your research methods according to the service lifecycle
Is your user research looking inwards, at how your service works, or outwards, at the lives of those it affects? The right research in the right direction at the right time can truly add value – but there’s usually noContinue reading… Inwards and outwards research: choosing your research methods according to the service lifecycle
Quiet time on my own – poster
“Quiet time on my own” is the second poster in my collaboration with illustrator Julia Allum. I chose the phrase “quiet time on my own” for this poster because it’s so crucial for me personally. I love to be withContinue reading… Quiet time on my own – poster
Surveys that Work 2020: training course for HMRC user researchers 2020
It was fun to do a training course with user researchers at HMRC. Each person gave us an example of a survey they were working on. We hoped for examples at all stages from “a few ideas in a surveyContinue reading… Surveys that Work 2020: training course for HMRC user researchers 2020
Listen First Ask Second
For World Usability Day, November 14 2019, I’m excited to announce the first in a series of Effortmark stickers and posters. ‘Listen First, Ask Second’ is the result of a collaboration with award-winning illustrator Julia Allum. Good design starts withContinue reading… Listen First Ask Second