UCD2012 – the User Centred Design Conference in London – was an initiative organised by the Computer Society Interaction Group (BCS), British Interactive Media Association (BIMA), the Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (IEHF), Interaction Design Association (IxDA) and the UserContinue reading… Better UX surveys for UCD2012
Category: All
How to ask about user satisfaction in a survey
Surveys often include questions about satisfaction. But what is satisfaction: an emotional response? all about comparisons? And what does it mean for user experience? This article, first published in the November 2012 UXMatters, examines what satisfaction means and how best to handle its complexity in aContinue reading… How to ask about user satisfaction in a survey
How to ask better questions and how to assess UX using surveys
These slides are from the first part of a workshop I ran For EBI on user experience surveys. They cover two key topics: how to improve the questions in surveys, and how to assess UX using a survey. Better UXContinue reading… How to ask better questions and how to assess UX using surveys
UX of Transactions
“This form, this form in particular I am absolutely fine with and it is not a concern. Often I’ll actually give this form to a colleague and they will complete it. Not a problem. Other [government] forms, ohh, when they on theContinue reading… UX of Transactions
To sign or not to sign? Signatures and signing ceremonies
Each year more and more business, leisure and personal transactions move online. Yet the handwritten signature continues to have an almost mystical power in the minds of lawyers, organisations – and many of us who are asked to sign forms. This article,Continue reading… To sign or not to sign? Signatures and signing ceremonies
More investigation of why usability problems go unfixed
Not enough time, not enough resources, not enough clout to make it happen… Earlier in the year, Steve Krug and I reported on a survey that we carried out amongst UX professionals about why usability problems go unfixed. We suggested some ideasContinue reading… More investigation of why usability problems go unfixed
Write clearly: how to take your writing for the web to the next level
These slides form part of a workshop on writing and editing for the web, delivered for EMBL-EBI in June 2012. Write clearly: take your web writing to the next level from Caroline Jarrett
How to improve a complex form
If you have a long, complicated form then here are some things that you can do to help users through it: Find out which parts of it are truly necessary. Can you simplify it at all, or perhaps delay someContinue reading… How to improve a complex form
Ten tips for a better UX survey, Las Vegas 2012
I was delighted to be invited to talk to the User Experience Professionals Association Conference in Las Vegas in June. This presentation offers tips on writing better questions, using rating scales well, improving the whole survey process, and testing, testing,Continue reading… Ten tips for a better UX survey, Las Vegas 2012
Basic best practices for buttons
Buttons on websites? Nothing special: just an ordinary everyday element of interaction design. Despite this, it’s rather too easy to find buttons that don’t conform to some basic best practices. Here are my basic best practices for buttons: Make buttons look likeContinue reading… Basic best practices for buttons