These slides come from a seminar I ran for MSc students at the University of York in February 2011. MSc Seminar on Forms Design from Caroline Jarrett #forms #formsthatwork
Asking questions about internet behaviour
Have you read Steve Krug’s newest book, Rocket Surgery Made Easy: The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Finding and Fixing Usability Problems? I was honoured when Steve asked me to read it in manuscript form, but – just between you and me – IContinue reading… Asking questions about internet behaviour
Surveys in the news: Valentine’s Day
It was a familiar type of email, and one that I’d usually just delete, but in the interests of the Surveys that Work book I’m writing I opened it. “Valentine’s Day Romance Survey Results” from Fresh Flowers and Gifts in Australia.Continue reading… Surveys in the news: Valentine’s Day
SUS: a good enough usability questionnaire
One challenge of survey design is whether to use an existing questionnaire, or roll-your-own, or do some sort of hybrid. One of the best-known usability questionnaires is SUS. Is it good enough? I’m going to start by mentioning the advantages andContinue reading… SUS: a good enough usability questionnaire
Review: Internet, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys: The Tailored Design Method
You’re looking for a book on surveys, and my one isn’t yet out. What do to? I thought I’d help by sharing some of my favourites over the next few months. These will be the titles that I find myselfContinue reading… Review: Internet, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys: The Tailored Design Method
The Top Five Books about Forms Design
It’s December, and we’re coming up to the gift-giving season. In case you want to put something professionally relevant on your wish list—or, perhaps more realistically, in case you haven’t yet spent your 2010 book-buying budget—I’m going to devote thisContinue reading… The Top Five Books about Forms Design
Surveys: an interview with Gerry Gaffney
My friend and co-author of my forms book, Forms That Work, interviews me about the surveys book I’m now working on. The original podcast is here: A transcript of the interview follows below. Gerry Gaffney: This is Gerry Gaffney withContinue reading… Surveys: an interview with Gerry Gaffney
Surveys that work: using questionnaires to gather useful data, presentation to OZCHI 2010
This presentation to the 22nd Australasian Computer-Human Interaction Conference, OZCHI 2010, compares survey processes and looks at some of the detail of designing surveys – including how to avoid survey error. Surveys that work: using questionnaires to gather usefulContinue reading… Surveys that work: using questionnaires to gather useful data, presentation to OZCHI 2010
Design tips for complex forms at APPU
Most design advice is for simple forms. What should we do when the forms are complex? This presentation, delivered to the Associação Portuguesa de Profissionais de Usibilidade, Lisbon, in October 2010, gives a few tips in different areas: relationship, conversation,Continue reading… Design tips for complex forms at APPU
Design tips for complex forms, Clarity Conference
This presentation to the Clarity Conference in Lisbon gives some ideas for how to improve difficult, lengthy forms. Complex forms at Clarity2010 from Caroline Jarrett #forms ‘formsthatwork